Dear Jackie - thank you for your phone call. After a lot of consideration, I am sending in the answers to the questions I have a position on at this time. I don't know what the plans are for any endorsement procedures, but I feel I must be clear in letting you know that I am not seeking any endorsement by completing these questions. I do not seek the endorsement of any organization that opposes equal rights for gays and lesbians, and question # 9 seems to point to this position. I recognize that the questions came from many different groups, but I need to avoid the appearance of seeking the support of any such coalition since equal rights for gays is one of my fundamental political values. At 1/8/02, you wrote: Hi Rosemary, Attached is the questionnaire. It was nice talking to you. Jackie Maruhashi Silicon ValleyCommunity Empowerment Coalition CandidateQuestions (SVCEC consists of AsianLaw Alliance, Berryessa Citizens Advisory Council, Organization of ChineseAmericans – Silicon Valley, Vision New America, Inc. and other organizations) Please return by January 15, 2002 to SVCEC, c/o 184 East JacksonStreet, San Jose, CA 95112 1) Where do you stand on English-only laws? I believe that the first amendment allows individuals to speak in private conversation in any language they choose. It makes good business sense for employees to be able to work with customers in a language the customers feel most comfortable in. 2) Where do you stand on the following issues? a) Dymally-AllatoreBilingual Services Act? b) Voting Rights Language Assistance Act of 1992? c) bilingual education including two way immersionprograms? One of my educational priorities is bilingual education for a generation of Californians who are competitive in a global economy and citizens of a global society. d) bilingual ballots and language assistance at pollingplaces? Voters should be able to have information in the language that makes them most able to cast an informed ballot. 3) What is your position on immigration issues such as: a) amnesty for undocumented residents in the U.S.? b) driver's license for all residents? All residents should be able to obtain driver's licences, and be expected to follow all requirements including insurance. c) Anti-Terrorist Act? National Security is no defense for curtailing constitutional rights of citizens regardless of national origin. d) H-1B Visas for foreign professionals? Those professionals here on H-1B visas should be given more flexibility in changing employers to avoid becoming indentured servants due to their visa status. We also need to focus more efforts on lifelong worker re-training so professionals already here have the ability to develop their skills to respond to the needs of the changing economy. 4) What issues have you supported that relate to theAsian Pacific American community and how do you plan to ensure that youeffectively represent our community? I have worked to develop personal relationships with leaders within the Asian community, especially the South Asian community in our area. I am a regular speaker at events such as Hindu Sangam and have organized a women's event as described below. I believe that being a regular participant in community events and working on developing close ties to communities that I learn about the issues and learn from leaders in the community how best to support their efforts. 5) With the increasing number of hate crimes beingcommitted against those who look Arab or Muslim (including Indian Sikhs andLatinos) as a result of the terrorist acts on September 11, 2001, what have youpersonally done in the past to prevent and what will you do in the future toeliminate hate crimes? I have worked to bring members of the community together to increase connection and understanding between groups. I am sponsoring a panel discussion on January 23rd featuring Afghan and Pakistani women to discuss the current issues of women in their countries. I believe that only through connecting and understanding among these groups in our communities will we overcome the power of divisiveness. 6) The initial assembly redistricting map waspublished after a public input process. The subsequent map that wasadopted was changed shortly before the assembly voted and did not considerpublic input. Tell us how you will change the redistricting process toensure public participation and input, especially from underrepresentedminority groups, in future legislative redistricting. The Brown Act that regulates the conduct of proceedings at the municipal level is very clear - no item can be voted on without public input. This is a sound method for all levels of government. Any map that is under consideration should be opened for public comment before a vote. I think that coalitions of underrepresented groups can be very effective, but they need to be able to present their position on any map that is under consideration. 7) How do you propose to maintain diversity in hiring andadmissions? While the current restrictions on affirmative actions are still in place, aggressive outreach is still the most effective tool available. In terms of admissions, targeting barriers like income, which closely mirror race, can be a way to assist underrepresented groups within the current structure. 8) The demographics in the Silicon Valley have changedat a dramatic pace in the last ten years. How do you think this haschanged policymaking for Silicon Valley leaders and what ideas do you have tohelp ensure that the entire community is represented? Political and business leaders can no longer assume they know the answers based on their own experiences. They also cannot rely on solutions that worked in the past. Being involved with groups that represent people from across the spectrum in our Valley is the best way to make sure that leaders are in touch with the concerns and issues of all parts of the community. 9) Do youbelieve that AB1338 allowing same sex civil union is in conflict withpreviously passed Proposition 22 which says that marriage shall be between oneman and one woman? I worked actively in opposition to Proposition 22 during my term as Mayor and am proud that it failed by a 2-1 margin in Mountain View. I am proud to have carried the legislation that now provides domestic partner benefits for Mountain View city employees. I support equal rights for gays and lesbians and support legislation that provides family and economic protections for these families. 10) Doyou approve of the governor’s approach to the energy crisis including hislong-term energy contracts? Why or whynot? 11) What will you do to lessen the burden of the taxpayer? I support a less regressive tax structure that spreads the tax burden more equally based on income. * Please note: These questions were compiled by manydifferent groups and do not represent the interests of any one organization.